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Posted By admin on 05/11/13 - Bookmark Rhino's Hardcore Porn Videos

I am a big fan of girls with camel toe. I feel like it is a great way to visually get a sense of what you are going to be getting into. You can see where her slit is. If her panties are flimsy you can often make out the exact shape of her lower lips. Nothing could be more inviting.

Unfortunately for me I am about two generations ahead of the current coed generation. Women that were girls back in my day thought camel toe was gross. To be honest it kind of was because chicks back then had huge muffs. So camel toe usually meant she was wearing a pad or something because pussy muff didn’t make camel toe. It made a mound. To me that seemed odd. Why would anyone want to see a mound on a girl?

Things have certainly changed since then. Now girls sport a camel toe proudly. It has become a fashion accessory. "Hey, guys, check out how shaved my pussy is. You can see my slit!" Some girls these days wear stuff so tight you can even make out their clitoral hood. So tempting!

Nobody wants an overweight bald dude scaring the girls in their club so I prefer to party at home. Places like WebCamsHut.com allow me to do that. There are always hundreds of girls willing to engage in some naughty webcam chat. It seems that webcam girls are more likely to be into older men too. Seriously, I think these girls have daddy issues.

Set a girl straight tonight by cyber-fucking her from the back. It will do a body good!

Blogged Under: 18 Years Old,Cams
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