If you’ve been visiting lots of hookup websites and can’t make heads or tails of them, don’t worry; you are hardly alone. Most of the guys that use free adult hookup websites and come in with all sorts of grand expectations and big dreams end up failing. Don’t think that you are a loser. Don’t think that you are ugly. Don’t think that you are unattractive. Your experience is, by no means, unique.
The reason why you fail while some guys get all the pussy that you want is actually simple: they learned how to play the game. It really all boils down to that. It’s like doing well at the stock market or getting the right job and getting promoted again and again. The reason why certain guys enjoy tremendous amount of success is not because they are smarter than you. It’s definitely not because they’re more intelligent than you. They just learned to play the game the right way. If you want to be more successful with a typical adult dating site, listen up. Listen carefully to what I’m about to say.
The key here is not to go through some sort of bullshit checklist. The key here is not to listen to some magical guru telling you the ins and out of fucking random women online. You’re more than welcome to spend a tremendous amount of money on that bullshit, but I’m telling you right now you would probably going to end up in the same place. If you are serious about taking your hookup game to the next level, focus on essentials. Look at the types of women that use these websites. You would realize that there is a pattern emerging.
These women are not looking for love. They’re not looking for a sensitive type. They’re not looking for their future husbands. They’re not looking for any of that bullshit. They’re looking for a thick, hard dick they can fuck whenever they want, wherever they want. That’s what they’re looking for. Now if you understand the mindset of your market place then you would be able to roll out the product that your target audience members would want to buy. It really is that simple.
By focusing on the essentials you can then put together a game plan that will help you achieve the success that you’re looking for. Keep it simple. Stop overthinking it and overcomplicating it. Focus on what works.